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Resume Writing Services
For Students and Young Adults Entering the Workforce

Sharon Epstein College Essay Tutor and I

Your resume has a job to do.


It needs to highlight your accomplishments and portray your experiences, skills and strength in a clear, concise, and easily readable way. 


It needs to say to a future boss or school, "I will be a good fit here."


And it needs to do that fast.

You've Got 6 Seconds to Capture Someone's Attention

Studies show that recruiters take about six seconds to review an individual resume. Your resume must include only essential information and correct keywords presented effectively in a clear, concise and easily readable manner.


An Editor's Eye

My award-winning writing and editing skills ensure a polished presentation that is well-organized and visually appealing.


Resumes for Jobs

Know your strengths, be specific about your accomplishments, and demonstrate fit. If you're new to the workforce, we'll identify the strengths, skills, and accomplishments that you've demonstrated in all aspects of your life that make this position right for you.


Resumes for Graduate School

If you're applying to grad school, you should probably not be recycling a resume that lists your high school accomplishments. Know what to include and what to delete.


High School Resumes and Internship Resume Writing

If you're a high school student in need of a resume for job, college, or internship, we'll start by identifying your strengths and accomplishments,

and then build a resume that's right for you.


Cover Letters
Of course. We can do those too.


Where Do We Meet?

I meet with students in person or by Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime depending on location and preference. 



Rates begin at $175 for a completed resume. Please contact me for additional information.

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